Activet® grooming brushes
ActiVet® is a registered own brand of grooming brushes made by MONTI – Werkzeuge GmbH. The name originates in 1998 as a portmanteau of the terms “active” (representing the first ever “active” grooming brush system) and “veterinary”, as a reference to the apparently effective method of marketing the products through veterinary practices.

The flexible “active” vibrating head achieves savings in time and effort of approx. 50% for the majority of brushing applications, in particular when dealing with tangled and matted fur. The special characteristics during use, combined with the overall product specifications, lead to a simultaneous reduction of “catching” and “pulling” – in other words unpleasant straining and pulling sensations experienced by the animal. Such sensations were normal for conventional, non-elastic “fixed” brushes and other tools before the introduction of the ActiVet® System. Furthermore, the brushes are fitted with 2 different grooming attachments which brought a 2-in-1 function to the market.
More information can be found: ActiVet®